Platform for Life

"Platform for Life " is Northern Lake George Paddle's  Job Training/  Youth Leadership Program designed to inspire and impassion area youth.   Through positive mentoring and job training, we build leadership skills, shape character and challenge the participants to become responsible for themselves with their peers and in their community.  All participants will earn a  weekly wage plus be in a position to earn weekly bonuses based on performance.  

 We meet Monday thru Thursday starting at 8 a.m. at one of our 3 job sites in Ticonderoga that include LG Paddle and Pickleball, Five Nations Golf and Ticonderoga Golf Course. 

All participants will have the opportunity to learn the basics of platform tennis and golf and to play for free.

Please contact to apply for our 2021 program. 

Platform for Life Coach Jay Wells, Five Nations Golf

  Farm Training in Vermont (Summer-2013)
Year One of our "Platform for Life"

Patty Hogan and Andrea McDonald started this youth initiative in 2013, placing three Ti 8th graders as interns  in a three week farm/job training program in Shelbourne, Vermont.